
Abrahamsson, Sebastian & Bertoni, Filippo (2014) Compost Politics: Experimenting with Togetherness in Vermicomposting. Environmental Humanities4, 125–148. (In: Walled Gardens)

Berker, Thomas, Hartmann, Maren, & Punie, Yves (2006) Domestication Of Media And Technology. London: Open University Press. (In: Mundania 2020)

Bille, Mikkel (2019). Homely atmosphere and lighting technologies in Denmark: Living with Light. London: Bloomsbury Academic. (In: Large Numbers)

Bowker, Geoffrey C. and Star, Susan Leigh (1999) Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences (Cambridge Massachusetts: MIT Press). (In: Mundania 2020)

Brunnström, Lasse (2018). Swedish Design: A History. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. (In: Smooth Operations)

Chayka, Kyle (2020). The Longing for Less: Living with Minimalism. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing. (In: Smooth Operations)

Ehn, Billy & Löfgren, Orvar (2010) The Secret World of Doing Nothing. Berkeley: University of California Press. (In: Waiting for Events)

Grusin, Richard (2010) Premediation: Affect and Mediality After 9/11. Palgrave MacMillan. (In: Waiting for Events)

Haider, Jutta & Sundin, Olof (2019) Invisible Search and Online Search Engines. The Ubiquity of Search in Everyday Life. London: Routledge. (In: Large Numbers

Highmore, Ben (2001). Everyday Life & Cultural Theory. London: Routledge. (In: Mundania 2020)

Ingold, Tim (2013) Making. Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture. London: Routledge. (In: Waiting for Events)

Jönsson, Lars-Eric (2017). Byggnaderna, sakerna, arkivakterna. In: Jönsson, Lars-Eric, & Nilsson, Fredrik. Kulturhistoria: En etnologisk metodbok. Lund: Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University. (The chapter is written in Swedish) (In: Smooth Operations)

Larsson, Stefan (2013). Metaphors, law and digital phenomena: the Swedish pirate bay court case. International Journal of Law and Information Technology21(4), 354–379. (In: Smooth Operations)

Latour, Bruno (2008). Review Essay: The Netz-Works of Greek Deductions. In:  Social Studies of Science 38, pp. 441–459. (In: Curve Surfing)

Le Corbusier (1986) Towards a New Architecture, (trans. Frederick Etchells). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. (In: Walled Gardens)

Lupton, Deborah (2018) How do data come to matter? Living and becoming with personal data. Big Data & Society5(2), 205395171878631.  (In: Waiting for Events)

Löfgren, Orvar (2015). The Black Box of Everyday Life. Entanglements of Stuff, Affects, and Activities. Cultural Analysis13, 77–98. (In: Mundania 2020 and Smooth Operations)

Mattern, Shannon (2017) Code and Clay, Data and Dirt. Five Thousand Years of Urban Media. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (In: Curve Surfing)

McCarthy, Tom (2015) Satin Island. London: Jonathan Cape. (In: Waiting for Events

Norman, Donald A. (1998) The Design of Everyday Things. Massachusetts: MIT Press. (In: Mundania 2020)

O’Shea, Devin Thomas (2019) Buffering in Tom McCarthy’s Satin Island. Medium. (In: Waiting for Events)

Parks, Lisa (2012) Technostruggles and the Satellite Dish: A Populist Approach to Infrastructure. In:  Bolin, Göran (Ed.). Cultural Technologies: The Shaping of Culture in Media and Society. London: Routledge 64–84. (In: Mundania 2020)

Parks, Lisa (2019) Televisual epistemologies and beyond. In: Journal of Visual Culture, 18(2), 234–249. (In: Mundania 2020)

Paxson, Heather (2010. Locating Value in Artisan Cheese: Reverse Engineering Terroir for New-World Landscapes. American Anthropologist112(3), 444–457. (In: Walled Gardens)

Pink, Sarah (2020) #stayathome: being in an uncertain place. In: Future Matters, ETLab, Monash University, Melbourne. (In: Isolation Oddities)

Plotnick, Rachel (2018). Power Button. A History of Pleasure, Panic, and the Politics of Pushing. Massachusetts: MIT Press. (In: Large Numbers)

Press, Joy (2005) Television Le Boob Tube. In: New York Times Feb. 1 2005. (In: Waiting for Events)

Rabinow, Paul, Marcus, George E., Faubion, James D., & Rees, Tobias (2008) Designs for an Anthropology of The Contemporary. Durham: Duke University Press. (In: Waiting for Events)

Rogers, Everett (1962) Diffusion of Innovation. Free Press of Glencoe. (In: From Early Adopters to Early Alerters and Curve Surfing)

Rosner, Victoria (2020). Machines for Living: Modernism and Domestic Life. Oxford University Press. (In: Smooth Operations)

Silverstone, Roger, Hirsch, Eric, & Morley, David (1992) Information and Communication Technologies and The Moral Economy of The Household. In: Roger Silverstone & Eric Hirsch (Eds.), Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces (pp. 115–131). London: Routledge (In: Mundania 2020)

Shove, Elizabeth (2003). Comfort, Cleanliness and Convenience. The Social Organization of Normality. Oxford: Berg Publishers. In: Mundania 2020)

Sjöholm, Carina, & Saltzman, Katarina (2016). Managing nature in the home garden. In Lesley Head, Katarina Saltzman, Gunhild Setten, & Marie Stenseke (Eds.), Nature, Time and Environmental Management: Scandinavian and Australian perspectives on peoples and landscapes. London: Routledge. (112-129). (In: Walled Gardens)

Thrift, Nigel (2004) Movement-space: The changing domain of thinking resulting from the development of new kinds of spatial awareness. Economy and Society33(4), 582–604. (In: Mundania 2020)

Toussaint, Jean-Philippe (1997/2004) Television. Chicago: Dalkey Archive Press. (In: Waiting for Events)

Verran, Helen (2018). Decomposing numbers. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory8(1–2), 23–26. (In: Large Numbers)

Wilk, Richard (2005). Smoothing. Ethnologia Europaea35(1–2), 23–27. Page. (In: Smooth Operations)

Willim, Robert (2005) Menuing. Ethnologia Europaea. Journal of European Ethnology35(1–2), 125–129. (In: Mundania 2020)

Willim, Robert (2013). Enhancement or Distortion? From The Claude Glass to Instagram. In Sarai Reader 09: Projections. (In: Large Numbers)

Wuthoff, Grant (2016) The Perversity of Things. Hugo Gernsback on Media, Tinkering, and Scientifiction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (In: Isolation Oddities)